Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Picture Day!

Last week was Picture Day at our daycare center. So Brady got all dudded up in his best Patriots attire and headed off to school. Unfortunately, they said the photographer was 'not the most kid friendly person' so Brady couldn't get a picture taken because he wouldn't stop crying. This was much more disappointing to the parents (specifically Irene) than the little guy himself. However, it did probably save us hundreds of dollars, even though the packages were $50 max, because Irene was all jacked up to buy Brady's first daycare photoshoot.

So that evening, we decided to take some pictures of Brady on our own.

Who are you lookin' at?
That's funny Mom. Do it again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason & Irene, you guys are getting so good at capturing the Brady moments that you could volunteer to do the photo session at the day care next time. I enjoy the blog so much cos it gives me the chance to be updated with Brady's progress when I am milion miles away.

5:19 AM  

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