Ho Ho Ho, here we go....again
Christmas 2008, new year, new kid. We visited Santa again and spent much of the time in line preparing Brady so he wouldn't cry like last year. "Remember Brady, you are going to sit next to Santa with Mia and you tell him what you want for Christmas. Then we'll take your picture...." The responses from Brady indicated he was ready, much more mature and prepared than last year. Then when we got our turn with Santa, Brady refused to sit with him alone and by the time we got him settled, Mia figured out that she was being held by a giant white bearded guy in a red suit. A told the photographer to snap the picture but the kid was really a kid and responded "she's not looking at the camera" and then snapped the shot 2 seconds too late and we have now are the proud owners of a $22 picture that looks something similar to the one I took below. Merry Christmas. Santa clearly isn't feeling the recession.

December 24, 2008 - Brady prepared for Santa. First by putting out his cookies and writing a letter to Santa to read.

Then he went out to put out food for the reindeers to be sure they stopped at our house.
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