Happy 3rd Birthday Brady
Today our little boy turned three and, as most parents would say, we can't believe it. Although I honestly can't remember what life was exactly like without Brady (our Brady, not Tom Brady...) around, it feels just like yesterday that we were taking him home from the hospital.
He celebrated his birthday weekend with:
- 3 popsicles
- 1 Lemon Slush
- 1 nap
- 1 playground trip
- 1 long period of running around the bases of a baseball diamond
- 1 trip to an indoor play room
- a long bike ride (big wheel) around the neighborhood
- 1 cupcake and ice cream
- a new pair of sneakers that, in his words, make him super fast
- 1 new Thomas Tank Engine toy set (all of a sudden he loves Thomas and Lightning McQueen from Cars)
All in all, it was a good weekend for the little guy. Many more returns!
Popsicle #3

Mia decided she didn't care if it was Brady's birthday or not, his Thomas chair is a perfect size for her!

Then she gave the evil laugh of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers.

You forgot the train ride!
Happy b-day, Brady!! Sounds like you had a blast :)
Happy Birthday Brady!
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