Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow fun

Last week we got blasted with a good old fashioned N'or Easter - which is meteoroligist speak for 'one big snow storm'. We ended up with about 18 inches by the end of it all, but that was actually pretty good compared to other areas. The town that our summer house is in got over 25 inches!

Anyway, it was a good snow for sledding and shovelling, so it led to a pretty relaxing and lazy Sunday - you can't do anything but play in the snow in big storms.

Brady and Mia both really enjoyed sledding outside of our house. Mia was quite impressive, considering it was her first time on a sled. She hopped right on behind Brady and began cheering when the sled started moving. Then, when she fell off and got a big snow face I thought for sure I was taking her in, but when I brushed her off and asked if she was okay she replied joyously "YEAH!". So we continued, so much that Mia actually fell asleep *in the sled during a sledding run* from exhaustion. Yes, it was a good day.


Blogger Lynx217 said...

we got a little less here but it sure was enough of a headache to get around in! glad the kids found it fun though, that's what counts!

2:30 PM  

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