Breaking news from NBC Nightly News

Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News is seen speeding into the Google parking lot and running into the facility housing the Blogger service.
In a frenzy, Brian burst into a network management room being manned still by the third shift support person. Surprised by the sudden arrival and disturbed that his game of solitaire was interrupted, the Network Guy confronted Mr. Williams.
Network Guy: What the heck are you doing?
Brian Williams: Queue the music
NG: Huh?
BW: The music! Play the intro music!
NG: Intro music? What are you talking about man? Are you flakin'?
BW: Do you know who I am?
NG: Yeah yeah yeah. You’re Brian Williams, host of NBC’s Nightly News, blah blah blah
BW: That’s RIGHT. And I have something HUGE to report, so please play the INTRO MUSIC
NG: Dude, this is not TV. It’s not even radio. This is a BLOG! Ever heard of a blog?
BW: Look, just play some music as an introduction for me. Something for breaking news.
NG: Whatever. I only have what’s on my ipod dude…… okay, ready?
BW: Yes
BW: Are you kidding me?
NG: Hey, take it or leave it. I don't have much.
BW: Forget it. Here I go……
Good afternoon everyone, I am Brian Williams, and this is an NBC Nightly News special morning report. For the past 40 days, the Chin household has been anything but the picture of serenity. Young Brady Chin has turned his parents into walking zombies over the past seven weeks, demanding food every three hours. The crafty parents though turned this predictibility to their advantage. Many times onlookers have observed the mother feeding Brady while the father loaded golf clubs into the trunk of their car. Minutes later they would speed off down the street, only to be found shortly thereafter at the local golf range.
However, in the past 10 days Brady Chin again threw them a curve ball, waking every hour throughout the day to eat just a single ounce . The disgruntled parents have recently been seen moping around the block on short walks with Brady. Often, rushing up the street while Brady, ahem, communicates to them his desire to eat.
Well, last night little Brady rewarded them for tolerating his change of behavior. After 40 days and 40 nights, young Brady Chin slept through the entire night all by himself. Going to sleep at 10:30pm, he did not wake until after 6am. Upon waking and realizing that it was 6am and not 2am, the celebration from the household could be heard miles away. While Jason shot fireworks from the attic windows, Irene was seen doing an Irish jig on the front lawn in her bath robe. We're not sure why it was an Irish jig, but we're pretty sure it's because there is no such thing as a Chinese jig....despite what Jason says.
Everyone here at NBC congratulates Brady on his breakthrough and wishes the Chin household many sleep filled nights.
For the NBC Nightly News, I am Brian Williams. Thank you for joining us for this morning special report.
Play some closing music
JUNGLE LOVE, IT'S DRIVIN' ME MAD, IT'S MAKIN' ME CRAZY [music fades to silence]
BW: Oh brother, get me out of here....
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