Welcome into my mind
Brady was ready for the game

Many people know that I have been a huge Patriots fan for my entire life. In college my fraternity house lost power on Sunday during a snowstorm and I went tromping through 3 feet of snow to find a place with power that had the game on. I lost many many cases of beer to my ‘friend’ McNeany when I bet the Pats were going to the Superbowl every year – years they finished 1-15 included. Some even believe that my firstborn is named after our 3-time superbowl champion quarterback, Tom Brady. Did I mention that those are all the Superbowl victories we have as well?
For some non-football fans, this is not always comprehensible. Let me explain. Whether the Patriots were great or lousy, they’ve always showed up to play at 1pm on Sundays in the Fall to give me a time to forget about any troubles, and focus on a game that I enjoyed and coached. This is my team. I love watching my team, regardless of whether they are good or bad. And I always think we are going to win. And I will always wear my Patriots paraphanalia on Sunday, even if I never leave the house and nobody comes over. This is my team. This is the least I can do for a team that I've followed my whole life.
For some non-football fans, this is not always comprehensible. Let me explain. Whether the Patriots were great or lousy, they’ve always showed up to play at 1pm on Sundays in the Fall to give me a time to forget about any troubles, and focus on a game that I enjoyed and coached. This is my team. I love watching my team, regardless of whether they are good or bad. And I always think we are going to win. And I will always wear my Patriots paraphanalia on Sunday, even if I never leave the house and nobody comes over. This is my team. This is the least I can do for a team that I've followed my whole life.
To further help you understand the manic actions of dedicated, cardholding members of Patriot Nation, I’m going to blog my thoughts periodically through this game. Here we go…..
3:39pm - Brady puts on his Tom Brady jersey for the first time this year. He’s finally big enough to fit in it. Hopefully this is not the last time he wears it, if you know what I mean.
Brady says "we going to chew up the Chargers like we're eating donuts"

3:52pm – I just called McNeany for our standard pre-big game call to check in on the other’s mental status. He’s got his Bruschi jersey and Superbowl XXXVIII Champions hat on, and says he’s ready. But when I asked him what his score prediction was, he said Pats 24, Colts 23. Hmmm, either he’s already chaulked up a Pats win against the 14-2 Chargers and is looking forward to Indy next week, or he’s not as focused as usual. I have faith though that he will be on his game by game time (36 min from now). I can’t say much about his lack of focus because ever since Brady got dressed I’ve been playing fetch with him in the playroom. You know, when he tosses something and I go get it…fetch. By the way, I’m predicting 27-20 Pats.
Pre-game pictures. This will be the last time we'll take pictures as I will look like a deteriorating mess as the game goes on.

4:12pm – Brady just went upstairs for a nap. Wondering if Tom is doing the same? Very possible since it’s well documented that he took a cat nap before his first Superbowl appearance.
5:01pm – Ha ha ha. The Pats just stopped the Chargers on their second series that they started on the 50 yard line. They’ve dropped three passes and an easy interception. They are nervous. If the Pats can get a decent drive here to get better ball position then we’re going to win. Mark my words. They just played that commercial where the Chinese guy falls off the training table after watching the NFL player get his dislocated pinky popped back in. That one always cracks me up.
5:05pm - 9:45 in the first quarter left. The playclock person was just disciplined for starting the playclock early, TWICE. Can they cheat anymore under the guise of ‘homefield advantage’? In case you didn’t hear, Sand Diego limited ticket sales to only those who reside in Southern California to keep Pats fans from attending. Apparently they are so scared that they think a couple thousand Pats fans in the stadium might alter the outcome of the game. What’s next? Spiking the Patriots’ Gatorade with Vodka?
5:25pm – The Pats just took the lead 3-0. That’s one of the two fieldgoals that I predicted Gostkowski would make today. McNeany just called on the commercial break to gloat about the lead, especially since the Chargers chose to not kick a field goal on their previous series. Poor decision. That’s why their coach is 5-12 in the playoffs and ours is 11-2. Irene reiterates how weird she thinks it is that we call each other during the game when we could watch it together in person. There’s a history of success when we do this though, so we’re not going to change now.
5:28pm – End of the first, Pats are up 3-0. LaDanian has popped a few lengthy runs. We might want to focus on him a bit more, but you can’t be unhappy about zero points in the first against the #1 offense in the NFL.
6:07pm – LaDanian just popped a huge screen pass play to set up a touchdown for the Chargers. He faked Artrell Hawkins completely out of his shoes, pants, and jockstrap. It looks like a laundry line fell on the field. We’re down 14-3 now. We have them just where we want them. Okay, maybe not, but I feel like we’re Rocky saying “c’mon, hit me! You ain’t so bad. You ain’t so BAD….” And we all know how Rocky movies end.
6:11pm – Less than two minutes in the half and the Pats are on the move. It would be good to get that second field goal from Gostkowski before halftime.
6:16pm – 14 seconds left in the half. Brady just completed a 7 yard pass for a first down and Brady called a timeout. The clock keeper continued to run the clock another 3 seconds. The ref’s caught him though and reset the clock to 17 seconds. Cheating bastards.
6:19pm – Brady to Gaffney for a touchdown. BOO YAAA! I’ve learned to celebrate with silent air punches and no-touch high fives to not bother Irene or Brady. Irene is still staring at me in a disciplining manner. TOUGH LUCK BABY, THIS IS THE PLAYOFFS!
6:21pm – Pudge just called to state of the obvious “we needed that one.” Yes, I coached football for 10 years. I know we needed that one. Mysteriously, McNeany has not yet called. Is it my turn? Irene again says “you guys are so weird.”
6:43pm – Irene just asked me how me talking with my friends during a game is different than when her friends call her about a good sale at [fill in any expensive store name]. There really is no difference with the exception that I will still have the same amount of money tomorrow that I do now. Not sure Irene can say the same in her scenario.
6:58pm – Both teams have had the ball twice this half and it’s tough to tell if either really wants to win this game. Both keep giving the other chances to take control, but neither can. Maybe it’s great defense or just sloppy offense. All I know is that we need to get it going SOON.
7:02pm – Chargers’ punt returner just muffed the punt, continuing the whole ‘does anybody want to win this game?’ theory I just presented. Dave Thomas (not the Wendy’s guy) of the Pats got it. Pats are in business at the Chargers 31. Let’s go Tommy!
7:09pm – Brady just got sacked and fumbled the ball on third down. We would’ve had to kick a long field goal except the Chargers got called for a personal foul. First down Pats. I think I may have a heart attack. The just showed Sean Merriman on the sidelines being worked on by the trainers. We should call him Merri-roids. Cheater.
7:13pm – After all that, we only get a field goal. Brady missed Watson for a sure touchdown. That’s not a good sign. Tom is off, but he is still Tom Brady so keep the faith. 14-13 Chargers now and it’s anyone’s game. My legs are shaking and I’m not doing it on purpose.
7:15pm – Gostkowski just kicked the kickoff out of bounds and the Chargers get it at their 40 yard line. Once again, ARE WE TRYING TO WIN OR WHAT????
7:24pm – Just spoke with McNeany again. We both agree, we are getting too old for this. Our hearts can’t take it much more. Has anyone in football ever been more scary when they touch the football than LaDanian Tomlinson? Every time he touches it your heart stops until you hear a whistle end the play. We need the lead, it’s there for the taking. This is where our experience should come into play. One point difference in the fourth quarter. Every Pats fan would’ve taken this scenario if we were given the option before the game. We need to start making some plays though.
7:39pm – LT just scored again to make it 21-13. The Chargers got ANOTHER unnecessary roughness penalty call on the extra point. They should test more than just Merriman on this team for steroids. Obviously they have anger and control issues. They are all probably on steroids. Cheaters. Gotta get our focus back. Time to turn the cap backwards to get the rally cap on.
7:46pm – Oh my God, I think I just actually just blacked out. Brady threw a pick on fourth down and Troy Brown then stripped it and the Pats have it back. First down again Pats. Maybe the rally cap is working? Schottenheimer just challenged the call. Not sure why because it was clearly an interception and fumble. Maybe that’s why he’s 5-12 in the playoffs. Yup, they lost the challenge and lost a timeout as a result. You know that timeout is going to come back and haunt them now. Great coaching – NOT. I’m seriously having trouble breathing and my eyes are starting to hurt.
7:54pm – Brady just hit Caldwell for a touchdown and Faulk ran in the two point conversion! 21-21! We don’t deserve to win this game, but neither do they, so hey, we’ll take the win. Maybe the rally cap really is working! They just showed Schottenheimer trying to call a last second timeout before the two point conversion. Too late. Again, maybe that’s why he’s 5-12 in the playoffs. Too much time left though. The Chargers can still get it down the field for a last minute field goal. Need to play defense now. I can now feel my heartbeat pumping blood through my whole body. I can almost hear it.
7:59pm – Ellis Hobbs just got hurt and hobbled off the field. Not good. They’ve been working his side all day and now his backup is in. WAIT! The Chargers just called their second timeout. That will let Hobbs back on the field! Solid coaching again. Did I mention that Schottenheimer is 5-12 in the playoffs? Now the Chargers are down to one timeout! WOOO! Fourth down on a big defensive play by Asante Samuel! We have the ball back. Winning time. Brady time. Is anyone else concerned that we have a rookie kicker right now? Too early to worry about that. Focus!
8:05pm – AHHHHH! HE HIT CALDWELL! HE HIT CALDWELL! 43 YARDS. WE’RE IN FIELD GOAL POSITION! Okay, now it’s time to ask “is anyone else concerned we have a rookie kicker?” Can’t breathe. Can’t breathe. This game is out of control. I hope we can run the clock out so they don’t get the ball back. Again, LT scares the death out of me and every other Patriots fan at this moment.
8:12pm – Gostkowski hit it! We’re winning! 1:10 left. Hold on! Brady just woke up from his “nap”. I didn’t scream, I swear. It’s like he wanted to wake up to see the Pats win…
8:17pm – Dang. They got it down to our 36. They have a chance for the tie. He missed! WOOOOOOOOOO! WE WIN! WE WIN! WE WIN! Schotteheimer is now 5-13. Ha! Maybe there is something to the rally cap. And Brady will get to wear his jersey again next week! This is great! The Cheaters, umm, Chargers got what they deserved. A good lesson for them to learn – Cheaters never win and Winners never cheat. And before any of you Indianopolis fans get riled up, it ain’t cheating if you don’t get caught. LT is running off the field and not shaking any Patriots players’ hands. Nice sportsmanship. What’s up with that?
8:55pm – The NFL Network just showed and interview with LT where said he was upset with the Patriots celebration when the Chargers missed the kick at the end. He even said he thought it was ordered by their coaches. What? The coaches ordered the players to celebrate a hard fought victory? Do they have to be ordered to do that in San Diego? Hmm. Interesting. Oh well, enough worrying about poor little LT and his pouting. If he’s not happy with the other team celebrating a win, then he should win the game next time.
On to Indy baby! Oh boy, I’m exhausted. I’m going to pass out now.
And THAT folks, is what goes through a Patriots fans mind during a crazy game like this one.
3:52pm I call Theresa for our standard pre-shopping call to check in on the other’s mental status. She’s got her pocketbook and heels on, and says she’s ready. But when I asked her what she is going to buty, she said, "shoes and bags this time!" Hmmm, either she’s is on crack or she did not eat breakfast this morning! She always walk out with a blouse or two.
5:25pm – I just bought a purse. That’s one of the two purchases that I predicted I would make today. Theresa just called to gloat about her lead, she bought 2 pairs of shoes already.
6:02pm Aegean just called to state of the obvious “we needed that one (a sweater).” Yes, I've shopped 10 years, I know we needed that one. Mysteriously, Theresa has not yet called. Is it my turn? Jason again says “you guys are so weird.”
Tell me, how are you guys different from us?
Jason, you are definitely off topic on the blog today. People only log on to see Brady Chin and his beautiful mother, Irene. We don't really care about your football fetish!
Actually Aegean would say "we need the sweater, it's perfect so we need to buy one in every colour".
Jason I don't understand football but your narrative was too long and I got even more lost about the game. Can we have more photos and updates on Brady please.
Chin - you are a riot! I understand your football obsession, and find this entry quite entertaining. I think you should go write for the Globe, or some other Boston-based paper.
Chin, you would've been proud seeing Marty, Noelle & I watching the game. Yep, I was watching football. We were biting our nails the whole game, it was so stressful. I couldn't believe they won after all that, it was great.
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