Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Snowman showdown

This week I tried to take care of Brady by myself, since daycare is closed for the holidays and Irene has to get a jump on tax season. Irene told me to have some activities planned for each day, so I tried, but there is always a 20 minute gap unaccounted for that you have to improvise.
Yesterday, because the weather was nice and the snow is "high snowball quality", we decided to go out and make Brady's first snowman. It's his size, so he kept seemingly staring him down like he was in a street fight with the snowman. Brady would bob and weave around him, finding places to put snow on his face or head. Ultimately though, the showdown ended when it started to rain. Snowman melted, Brady didn't. Brady won.

Did you hear what he said to me?

Body blow
jab to the nose

The stare down

After the stare down, Brady shows his secret stash of snow he's going to stuff in his opponents face.


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