Chin TV - Brady's first day in daycare
Do you ever have one of those days where at the end you say, "darn, I wish I had a reality TV crew here filming this?" Well, today was one of those days. You see, today was Brady's first day in daycare. Yup, enough with all this baby stuff, time to get out of the house and get into the real world. Okay, okay. So maybe it's not the real world, unless the real world includes sitting in bouncy seats, being fed whenever you are hungry and two naps a day. However, as it turned out, this was not so much about Brady learning about the real world, as that parents.
They say that this type of stuff is more traumatizing to the adults than the babies, kind of like when the kid gets shots (which Brady is scheduled for in a week - stay tuned for that blog. After today, I may actually hire a film crew to follow us around on that day). Irene and I both knew that this would be somewhat of an emotional day, but just like the day of birth, nothing really can prepare you properly for this. Fortunately, I was completely mentally obliterated from the weekend activities of framing our basement to install insulation and drywall, so I don't think I registered every emotion that I normally would have. But Irene made up for it by taking in enough emotion for both of us. :)
The night before, Irene had a whole list of things she was going to do on her first 'day off' - go shopping, do laundry, get a facial, stuff like that. Well, today started out fine and looked like she was going to have a great, relaxing day. After my dentist appointment, we packed up Brady and brought him and all his gear to the daycare in my building (a nice NICE convenience). After hanging out a bit, I headed upstairs to work. Irene stayed behind to complete the paperwork. Around two hours later I get a voicemail from Irene and call her back. I'm wondering 'wonder what she is doing right now?' Well, she was up the road at the South Shore mall and she says "I'm so scared. I had all these things I wanted to do but now I can't because I'm so worried about Brady being in daycare." What a great Mom. What Mom would not have this emotion on the first day of daycare, especially after just nine weeks. So basically, the stressball never really left the area and visited Brady three times in 5 hours just to check on him. Once, I went with her so she wouldn't look like she was completely obsessive, just mildly obsessive.
In the end, Brady seemed to enjoy it there (or didn't notice the difference) and all is well. I even remembered to pick him up before I went home.

Irene was all smiles when we first dropped off Brady
The daycare provides daily reports on each kid. Irene was extremely excited to read it when I got home. "Brady had a wonderful first day. He ate three times, took two naps, and pooped once. All the other kids really think he's funny. Especially when he raises his hands and yells "Touchdown!"
"He's home! He's home! My baby is home!"
Based on this reaction, you would think he just came back from Iraq.
As I said, I wish we had a film crew with us today. Since we didn't though, I've decided to give you some of the poses Irene had today when I saw her. Irene would've posed for them herself, but she's talking on the phone right now....
The last picture looks like you have a BM.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I went through the same emotions, and still do every once and a while. It's harder on the days when Noelle is being particularly cute in the morning!
I guess it's just one of those things, but it is very assuring when they start smiling when they walk into the day care and when they see their care givers. It lets you know that they are happy to be there and you don't worry as much.
Good luck, and by the way, Brady is getting cuter every blog entry!
I can't wait I will be there in 9 days to see the little guy. He looks different in every blog update. Irene, I will help you relax with retail therapy!!
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