Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Russillo Visit

This was a busy weekend at the house. Friday night I had to work until 11pm with my team while we did some application fixes and then Saturday started bright and early at 7am. Irene took care of Brady while I worked on installing some recessed lights in the basement. Then our friends, the Russillo's (Joe, Sal, Michael and Enzo) came to visit. Joe and I had tickets to go to the butt whoopin' in Foxboro, more commonly referred to as the Patriots vs Redskins pre-season game. Much more to follow on this event, but I have to collect all the pictures first.

For now, here are some pics of the boys from the weekend....

We learned this week that Brady has a super power. One second he looks like this....

And the next minute he starts to move really fast and look like this. Only a keen eye can catch him he's so fast.

Michael enjoyed holding Brady

And like any good guests, the boys helped us sweep up the floors (with their chests)

And Michael showed us a magic trick where he make his nose disappear....

...which mesmerized Brady


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for cleaning my floors. Come and visit anytime!

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irene, with three pets, I need them to clean my floors as much as possible!!! =-) However, they can take a break to work on yours, anytime!

8:29 PM  

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