Scouting reports from Camp Chin
As you all know now, the NFL preseason practices have begun across the entire league. And with each practice, there is post-practice interview with the coach or General Manager and lots of informal media generated 'scouting reports'.
For instance, here is a copy of Bill Belichik's post practice interview on July 31, 2006:
Q: Is [Tom] Brady okay? A few days in a row he hasn't been out here for practice.
BB: Guys that aren't out here, it's either because of their practice routine or they are day to day.
Q: You're doing a lot more back-to-back workouts this year. Are you concerned about the weather coming up? Will you take extra precautions?
BB: It's nice out here today. We'll just to take it day to day like we always do. It was nice out here this morning. We've had about four good days.
Q: Is it one or the other with Brady [practice routine or day to day]?
BB: We don't do the individual report; that comes during the regular season when we do the injury reports.
Q: How's Matt Cassel seem to be doing so far?
BB: Matt has gotten a lot of work through the spring and in training camp. He's done some good things. There are some other things he could do better, but that's training camp. He's working hard, that's what counts.
Q: How does Brady look so far?
BB: We're not going to get into big evaluations of players. I think all the players are trying to get back into their timing and their routine and that goes for everybody. Some players are better than others. We're working with a lot of people. We all have a long way to go, but we're taking it one step at a time.
In the spirit of the NFL preseason, here is the latest scouting report from Camp Chin:
The August sessions brought new faces into Camp Chin this year. On day 1, most reporters were perplexed and scrambling to get any information they could on these new comers. Well, after one short week, here is what we've found on the veterans and the new comers.....

Quarterback's coach, Irene Chin, worked with Brady primarly during the night practices. Emphasis was on completing 2 four ounce bottles and with rapid burps afterwards. Other drills included the "follow my finger" drill and head lifts from the belly position. Brady performed well in these sessions, but the preseason has just begun and there is still a lot to learn, according to Irene.

Head Waterboy turned Cheerleaders coach, Jason Chin, was seen working with Brady in the morning sessions, mostly getting him washed up and dressed for practice. He has learned many new songs and dances that seem to amuse the star quarterback when he is disgruntled.

Teresa AuYeung. Brought in from Hong Kong, she seems to have been shadowing the young Quarterback, trying to learn his habits and different drills for practices. We're not sure if she is being brought in as an assistant Quarterbacks coach or if she is here to learn so she can coach in her home country. Rumor has it that NFL preseason camps may be expanding to Hong Kong next year.
Aegean Chan. Primarily seen in the lockerroom and Public Relations office. Based on the items she carried into the facility and her fashion background, we can only guess that she has been brought in to redesign the team's fall/winter uniforms.

The star Quarterback on the team continued to impress through the first week of preseseason camp. Only 11 weeks old, weighing in at 13 pounds 8 ounces, he completed his third week in daycare and seems to have fit right in with the others, despite being the youngest. Brady earned the respect of his team when he remained seated in his bouncey chair and calmly stared down a veteran daycare kid who crawled up to the base of his chair looking to get in. He awareness this week has changed dramatically and he started acknowledging people's presences with smiles and giggles. He clearly commands the attention of everyone in the room and definitely calls all the shots on a daily basis. This kid is on the fast track and has a bright future ahead of him if he continues at this pace.
Please minimize the football reference.....
13 lbs, 8 oz! wow! what are you feeding that kid? he's adorable!
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