How do you define Timing?
Timing, life is all about timing. In football, they talk about players getting their timing so they are in sync when playing at full speed. When you have an infant, it's about having the camera handy at the right times. Now, there have been plenty of times that we've missed good photo opportunities. But we are getting better. This weekend Brady played with his new toys given to him by his big buddy, Joey Florendo. He loves them too, so super thanks to Joey!
And by the way, if you're wondering how many blogs in row I can post with a football reference, it's a lot. :)
Brady playing in the Panda Pen

His first succesful grab and hold, followed by a close investigation

Do you mind? I'm trying to do something here....

From there, Brady moved on his new exersaucer, which he's actually a bit too small for but he still has tons of fun in it.

Mom, ummmm, Mom..... Seriously, pay attention. We have an issue here....
I can't hold it much longer! Please please pay attention...
Which brings us back to timing. In this case, Irene does not have it because she's changing Brady during his bathroom break.
I, however, have great timing in this case. Like the National Inquirer, I jumped to a good location to grab these candid shots. This is where Irene reminded me that I don't work for the Inquirer, and should take fewer pictures and grab more wipes.
Once again, I yelled, "A little help please....can I get a plastic bag NOWWWWWW...." He grabs the camera....Hmmmm...May be the camera needs to go.
Wow that's a lot of poops for a 15lb baby!!!! What are you guys feeding him???????
Not to be totally disgusting, that was not his first poop for the day!
So this does happen to others, whew, I thought I was the only one. That must mean we are very attentive parents, we can anticipate the child's needs before they even occur. Man, we're good!
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