Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Monday, July 30, 2007

All done, what's next?

Saturday Brady absolutely wore us out. Irene and I both had long week's at work and were praying that Brady would sleep in a bit and give us a break. Instead, he woke up early and was raring ready to go. We played in the basement, we went for a walk, we ate breakfast, and we did two loads of laundry. When that was done, we thought it was lunchtime, but it was only 9:30am!

We're still rookie parents! We need more activities! Ideas welcome....

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mom

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Trip to the zoo

On Saturday we took a short trip down to Rhode Island to the zoo. Brady had a great time, but perhaps not as good of a time as mom and dad. By the end of the day though, he was having a great time seeing in person all the animals that he reads about every night.

Unfortunately there were no lions, which are his favorites. He loves growling at lions in books. A close second favorite are ducks, which he likes to quack at too.

What's so impressive about that? He just went into a cave.

Holy cow Mr. Giraffe is tall!

Mom, can we take him home?

This bull horned some poop earlier in the day

" Yes, Brady, that is a Donkey's A**"
"but that doesn't look like dad?"

America, the beautiful...
Hey Mom, do you want Seafood? See, FOOD! Haaaaa.

We've been teaching Brady what elephants do, and he's finally getting itThey had a two-nosed elephant and Brady imitated him as well. Okay, there were not any two-nosed elephants except for Brady...
Wow he's big.You lookin' at me?
Time to go home

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Walkin' fool

Over the weekend Brady continued chasing his goal of being a full-time walker. We noticed that he seems to like carrying things with him when he walks. His buddy Cleo came over to help show him how to walk too. He can't keep up with her yet, but soon....

Monday, July 16, 2007

Say Cheese!

Last week was picture day at Daycare. The last time they did this the photographer was completely non-kid friendly and he made all the kids cried. Brady cried so much that they couldn't even take his picture. This time though we prepped Brady well so he wouldn't cry and was all excited to get ready in the morning. After his morning shower, he put on his preppy outfit and did his hair (which he has a lot of).

Brady loves reading so it's a good time to do stuff that he doesn't like, like combing his hair....

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Elmo down

48 Days after he arrived in our lives, Elmo finally has come down to earth (literally). For a mere $2.50, it was the best amusement purchase we made all year long. Every day we could distract Brady with his Elmo balloon and he would self-amuse himself with it for quite awhile.

As they say in the Christmas Tree Shop commercials - What a Bah-gan!

Elmo, we salute you!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Playing around

Mom got creative with Brady's play mats

Hello, Cleo, you should see the tunnel mom built me....