Holy Sh*t!!
At 6:13pm ET, August 28, 2008 it happened....
The initial post-event interview did not go so well....
The follow-up interview got him to give up the answers we wanted.
This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.
At 6:13pm ET, August 28, 2008 it happened....
Sorry for the lag since the last posting. Things have been quite busy between work and home the past few weeks in particular. However, to make up for it, here's a posting of pictures from our 4 day vacation to San Diego that we got home from just two hours ago. Why four days? Well, first because we were visiting some friends out there and joining in on their daughter's baptism. Second because we simply were nervous to travel across the country for much longer with the kids since they've never been out of the timezone we didn't know what to expect.