Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We're baaaack. Happy Halloween. Boo!

Sorry for the long silence but some technical difficulties made the process of downloading pictures and posting them just difficult enough that we couldn't get much time to do it.

However, we're going to try to be better because we've been getting a lot of feedback requesting the updates return.

Here's our first attempt - Halloween 2009 (tonight). Hot off the presses. In the coming weeks we'll go retroactive and post up some of the pictures from the last several months to try to catch you all up on things!

Take one baby girl and get her dressed....
and ta daaa, you have one little dragon
Brady put on his race car driver costume...

...and off we went in search of candy
We picked up Andre (the firefighter) along the way

To end the night, we had a visit from Yeh Yeh