Learning a new language is hard, I guess?
We've always been amazed how Brady 'sniffs' out which words are Chinese and which are English. Whenever Irene tries to teach him something in Chinese, he purposely bastardizes it so that it's like watching a rerun of Friends, when Phoebe tried teaching Joey French (I watched this and this exactly like Irene and Brady!). For instance, "Ni Hao Ma?" comes out of Brady's mouth as "Now Pee Pops Moo!"
Given this historic trend, he amazed us last night again, choosing to watch the CHINESE VERSION of Ice Age, and watching it for about 30 minutes solid before opting to move to the English version (which he watched in full).
This video proves that, for kids, there is a difference between watching, hearing, listening, and understanding - remember that all you parents....