Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas afternoon at the Grand Parents' house

How has technology made the world better? Here's an example. In 15 minutes I was able to set up a webcam and VOIP (voice over IP) call with my brother Gary in Oregon. Once we got it going, everyone was able to see each other and have a nice chat. A nice way to start the day!

Maddie and Garrett proudly show one of their Christmas presents..

Everyone got to say Merry Christmas!

A new lid

After present opening, the annual boxing match was held

A family picture before the night is over

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A very Chinny Christmas

One of the great things about Christmas (or any occasion) for a new family is that you get to start your own family traditions, sometimes building upon ones that you grew up with and sometimes completely new ones from scratch. Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to really start any new traditions, unless you count working like crazy in your basement on Christmas Eve or taking two trillion pictures as Christmas traditions. The good news is that the playroom is almost done and Brady really enjoyed Christmas.

We found out that Brady is allergic to some key staples of the holidays - eggs, wheat, and milk - so we took particular care to keep him from touching any of the holiday treats. I think we may have set a record high for the number of times we washed our hands. At one point in time, I think I was standing at the sink, quickly shoving cookies in my mouth, and washing my hands all at the same time because I had to go change Brady. We're hoping he grows out of the allergies. The doctor said the best thing to do is for us to keep him away from these things and that give him his best chance at outgrowing it. Kind of the opposite thinking to your immune system where the body's immune system adapts to germs, but the doctor's all said the same thing. So no goodies for Brady!

Since Christmas is somewhat of a chaotic event in suburban America (which I found you really don't realize fully until you have child of your own), I'm going to break the pictures into two postings. This set is at our house and the next set will be at my parents' house, where the larger family gathers to exchange gifts.

It all started with a light Christmas Eve photo shoot

It didn't take long for Brady to get the concept of Christmas presents
But Mom caught him red handed under the tree. Notice the "I didn't do anything" look.
Time for bed then....

Christmas morning!

Brady got lots of great books

'I Spy' is a great tasting book too

Red hat, red cheeks, red shirt - too bad he wasn't wearing a Red-Skins shirt too! Get it? Washington Redskins? No? Joe is laughing at least....

Let me help you open this Dad
A new fleece for Dad
Hey, I'm on Mom's mug!

What is this??

Mom got a mirror for her dressing table! A beautiful item that she was eyeing from Elements Import.
Who's that?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Playing with the Aldrich's

Last week we went out to dinner with our good friends the Aldrich's (Pudge, Ro, Isaac, and Ava). Well, Pudge is a good friend right now. However, this week we are doing battle on the Fantasy Football Front, playing against each other for the right to the first pick in next year's draft. So for the weekend he's my enemy, but other than that he's an ole college buddy, a fraternity brother, helpful handyman, and generally amusing golf partner.

Anyway, afterwards we broke out the toddler toys for Isaac and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Ho Ho Ho

Over the weekend we took Brady for his first visit to see Santa Claus. He enjoyed his 30 second, $26 visit. Brady was a great little guy in the long line and when he finally got his chance to sit in the big guy's lap.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

35 and counting...

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee. Happy Birthday to Me.

Yes this weekend I celebrated my 35th birthday. Brady so excited about it that he woke up three times last night. I wonder what will happen on Christmas Eve? Brady had a little flair up with the eczcema over the weekend too, but he's doing well and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.

Warning: One week until Christmas. Good luck for those who still have to go to the malls to pick up their last gifts for the season.


Let me taste...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hangin' with the women

Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Photo Shoot

Since generally speaking we have no money, and have even less usable time to go out (before someone has to nap or eat), we got Brady dressed in his Christmas clothes and took some pictures around the house. The purple helmet didn't go well with the outfit, so he got a break from it (which he actually loves because he can bang his head into anything when it's on).

Hey, fix your collar. This is a serious photo you know.
Excuse me, but if they are not going to take this serious then I have better things to do

Grandparents are the best. I get whatever I want.
I like my tree the mom decorated, don't you?