Chinny, Chin and Chin

This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow fun

Last week we got blasted with a good old fashioned N'or Easter - which is meteoroligist speak for 'one big snow storm'. We ended up with about 18 inches by the end of it all, but that was actually pretty good compared to other areas. The town that our summer house is in got over 25 inches!

Anyway, it was a good snow for sledding and shovelling, so it led to a pretty relaxing and lazy Sunday - you can't do anything but play in the snow in big storms.

Brady and Mia both really enjoyed sledding outside of our house. Mia was quite impressive, considering it was her first time on a sled. She hopped right on behind Brady and began cheering when the sled started moving. Then, when she fell off and got a big snow face I thought for sure I was taking her in, but when I brushed her off and asked if she was okay she replied joyously "YEAH!". So we continued, so much that Mia actually fell asleep *in the sled during a sledding run* from exhaustion. Yes, it was a good day.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho. Santa came last night and to our surprise both Brady and Mia slept in more than normal - perhaps the anticipation of Christmas wore them out. Brady has already declared this the best Christmas ever, and he hasn't even gone over to his grand parent' house yet.

Brady and Mia have had a great Christmas day so far and have enjoyed playing with their new stuff and sharing (woo hoo!).

Here are some photos and videos for everyone. Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning - the reaction. Notice how fast the excitement of getting a new bike wears off and Brady asks "where's my skateboard?" (he asked Santa for a bike and skateboard the year).

Here videos of why you don't bike in the house....

Mia loves her new baby carriage!

And she loves her new babies too!

Santa brought Brady a skateboard too.

Yo Gabba Gabba!

New blankets from Aunt Cara and Uncle Gary - Thank you!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Today we got hit with a nice Nor 'easter and got coated with about 12 inches of snow. Since it snowed most of the day, we decided to go sledding for a bit before we began shovelling. We bought Brady a new, bigger sled for the storm and he and Mia really enjoyed themselves today.

Mia, for her first time, handled sledding like a champ. She got right on with Brady and was giggling and yelling with Brady. She had so much fun that she ran out of energy and actually fell asleep in the middle of a sledding run.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Snow Day!

The first snow of the year arrived last week and the kids couldn't wait to get outside and play. Snowball fights and snowmen were big hits.