Chinny, Chin and Chin
This is our first blog so don't blame us if we don't know what we're doing.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Snowman showdown
This week I tried to take care of Brady by myself, since daycare is closed for the holidays and Irene has to get a jump on tax season. Irene told me to have some activities planned for each day, so I tried, but there is always a 20 minute gap unaccounted for that you have to improvise.
Yesterday, because the weather was nice and the snow is "high snowball quality", we decided to go out and make Brady's first snowman. It's his size, so he kept seemingly staring him down like he was in a street fight with the snowman. Brady would bob and weave around him, finding places to put snow on his face or head. Ultimately though, the showdown ended when it started to rain. Snowman melted, Brady didn't. Brady won.
Did you hear what he said to me?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas, part 2
Brady solidified his #1 present-receiver status in the evening by raking in even more stuff from the aunts and uncles.
And his favorite present of all presents? Seems to be his Patriots hat. He basically has worn it non-stop, except for sleeping at night, since he got it. Looks like all those nights of reading the Patriots' History to him in womb is starting to pay off.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Early Christmas leader
Early results are in and, as expected, the odds-on favorite to get the most stuff in the Chin family this Christmas season is off to a huge lead. Not quite as dominant as the New England Patriots (because others in the household actually got good stuff too), Brady still seems unstoppable at this point in time. We hired a reporting crew to follow him around to see how he does it....
Like all great ones, Brady starts his preparation with a little superstitious behavior. At precisely 7:30pm ET, he donned his hat and coat to go sprinkle reindeer food in the front yard.

Then he came inside to have his personal assistant write a memo to Santa for him, to make sure he knew what Brady wanted for Christmas (as if he doesn't know already).

Then he sets up the cookies, milk, and memo near the tree so Santa can eat, read, and drop-off presents all in one pass. By the way, I never understood how Santa could fit down a chimney being the size he is. And I'm definitely not sure how he's fitting through the vent in our wall that acts as a chimney for our gas fireplace. Maybe he's got new technology these days though....

Monday, December 24, 2007
Ho Ho Ho!
We are now 1 and 1 on taking Brady to visit Santa Claus. Last year he didn't mind that he was sitting on the lap of a giant old man wearing a big red suit. This year, not so much. However, from looking through my old scrap book, this seems to be something that could be passed down genetically. Of course, I'm no doctor.... Happy Holidays everyone!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Kids are fun!
Brady is at that fun age where he learns something new every day (good or bad) and can repeat them on command but doesn't necessarily understand the imlications of combining some actions together.
For instance, dancing to music and climbing on to the couch are both celebratory accomplishments when done alone, but when he climbs on top of the couch and begins to dance then he gets a stern "No, sit down please!" I'm sure this confuses him terribly.
For the past couple of weeks we've been teaching Brady body parts by asking him things like "where are my eyes?, where is my nose, where are my toes, etc." He loves this and for each question he touches his little finger to the proper area, yells out the body part, and celebrates.
The other day Brady also learned that his finger can fit in his nose. Although he hasn't stuck it in there often, he did do it once when Irene was carrying him up the stairs. Being the opportunistic person I am, I yelled out from the bottom of the stairs "Brady, where is Mommy's mouth?!" to which he pulled his index finger out of his nose and tried to unsuccessfully touch Irene's mouth. There was no celebration since he was unsuccessful. However I got a good chuckle out of it.
I'm sure this confused Brady as well. What a fun age!