Bra·dy - A celtic/gaelic name meaning "broad shouldered."
However, Brady Chin neither hails from Gaelic culture, nor is especially broad shouldered. So
how exactly did Brady Chin get his name?
I am Stone Phillips, and welcome to this special Dateline NBC investigation into the decision making process and factors that went into the naming of young Brady Chin. Such an elaborate process that he was nameless for the first 3 days of his life. But how could this be? Was it possible that after
nine months of preparation, no name could be decided? Were there too many choices or not enough? What went on behind closed doors regarding the naming of Baby Chin?
Speculation has been rampant about the origin of Brady's name. Most believe that he is named after famed New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady. Dennis Desmarais, a fellow fantasy football competitor and dedicated Patriots fan said "I guess I can't give Chinny any flak now that I know he's selected the ultimate boys name." Chris Quaranta, an old college buddy of Jason's said "does the first name really reference what I think it does???" Brendan Chin, Jason's Godson and nephew said "I knew he'd name him after a football player." Brett Casteel, a former co-worker and avid Cleveland Browns fan, responded "F'n Pats fans shouldn't be allowed to name children." Cursing has become a way of life for Browns fans unfortunately these days. However, those days may be coming to an end now that they have Romeo Crennel and Willie McGinnest, both who achieved success and fame as a part of the New England Patriots. We all pray for them as Cleveland fans have only their weather to look forward to besides a seasonal fall chase to get to mediocraty in the NFL regular season. And we all know what Cleveland weather is like.... However, I digress. So far reaching is this theory that even Jason's boss at work, who is from Irish descent, had an initial response of "as in Tom Brady?"
But are all the assumptions correct? Is there evidence not yet uncovered? Is it possible that they all could be wrong? Not only about who Brady is named after, but who made the final decision in hospital room 677 that fateful morning the birth certificate office was called.
Please join us next week for a two part investigation into "The Naming of Brady Chin."
Is this the outfit he was literally born to wear?
Is this the guy behind the name?
Or is this fake sleeper putting one over on everyone?